A Study on Youth Workers and Youth-Serving Organisations

Y4Y is conducting research on youth-serving organisations and youth workers. Youth-serving organisations are organisations that, in some significant capacity, seek to improve outcomes for youth (ages 12-30), either through direct service delivery, programming, education, mentorship, or other means. Youth workers are individuals who work directly with the youth clientele of such organisations.

We are, accordingly, distributing two different surveys to organisations that serve English-speaking Québec youth, with the aim of building a profile of their workers, volunteers, and the youth they serve as well as assessing their needs. Our first survey is intended to be answered by the Executive Director or Executive Assistant of such organisations, and our second survey is for their youth workers. Note that there is no age requirement on being a youth worker; the only requirement is working directly with Québec’s English-speaking youth! We will follow these surveys up with one-on-one Zoom interviews in July.

If you have questions about this research or would like to fill out one of our surveys, please email brock.nykoluk@y4yquebec.org.

Research led by:

Brock Nykoluk
Research Coordinator